treat or tricks
treat or tricks



Trick-or-treatingisatraditionalHalloweencustomforchildrenandadultsinsomecountries.DuringtheeveningofHalloween,onOctober31, ...Trickortreat(disambiguation)·Honorsystem·SweetestDay

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TRICK-OR-TREATING in Traditional Chinese

Children and teachers are commonly allowed to wear masks to school for a day, and also wear masks at school dances or while trick-or-treating.

Trick or treat! | meaning

something that children say on Halloween (= a holiday on 31 October), when they dress to look frightening and visit people's houses to ask for sweets.


Trick-or-treating is a traditional Halloween custom for children and adults in some countries. During the evening of Halloween, on October 31, ... Trick or treat (disambiguation) · Honor system · Sweetest Day

【萬聖節英文】關於Trick-or-Treat 意思、文化!

Trick-or-Treat的意思 ... Trick 是「捉弄」的意思,Treat 則是「點心」,所以Trick-or-treat 被翻成中文,就成為我們常常聽到的「不給糖,就搗蛋」!

trick or treat (【片語】) 意思、用法及發音

trick or treat 相關課程教材. Trick or treat!不給糖就搗蛋! 瀏覽教材. If you don't treat me, I'll trick you.如果你不給我,我就要搗蛋。

trick or treat 是什麼意思?

在萬聖節裡, “trick“ 就是惡作劇/搗蛋, treat 則是款待(用糖果款待) 的意思囉。所以通常這天小孩會盛裝打扮,到鄰居家敲門,跟鄰居說“ Trick or Treat 意思就是,要我搗蛋 ...

TRICK OR TREAT definition and meaning

Trick or treat is an activity in which children knock on the doors of houses at Halloween and shout 'trick or treat' . If the person who answers the door does not give the children a treat, such as sweets or candy, they play a trick on him or her.


音標: [͵trɪkɚ`trit]; 解釋: 不給糖就搗蛋. 例句: Children in the USA like going trick-or-treating on Halloween. 翻譯: 在美國的孩童萬聖節前夕喜歡不給糖就 ...

TRICK OR TREAT Definition & Meaning - Merriam

Examples of trick or treat in a Sentence. We got all dressed up for trick or treat. When the door opened the kids all shouted “Trick or treat!”.

trick or treat

At each house they say 'Trick or treat?' This means that they threaten to play a 'trick', or joke, on the people in the house unless they are given a 'treat', ...


Childrenandteachersarecommonlyallowedtowearmaskstoschoolforaday,andalsowearmasksatschooldancesorwhiletrick-or-treating.,somethingthatchildrensayonHalloween(=aholidayon31October),whentheydresstolookfrighteningandvisitpeople'shousestoaskforsweets.,Trick-or-treatingisatraditionalHalloweencustomforchildrenandadultsinsomecountries.DuringtheeveningofHalloween,onOctober31, ...Trickortreat(disambiguat...